Creator God, Wholly Other who transcends time and space, there is
none like You:
You are the Sole Creator of all things for
your pleasure and glory.
I worship you with all my heart, mind
and soul, for you alone are worthy of praise!
You are the Sustainer of Order revealing your
pattern and purpose for humankind.
I meditate upon your Word and seek
after the ways you have planned for me.
You are the Source of Diversity reflecting your
divine creativity in the uniqueness of every living creature.
I celebrate that I am "fearfully and wonderfully
made" (Psalm 139:14) and marvel at all the works of your hand.
You are the Seeker of Relationship restoring broken
humanity to your divine image.
I desire to be in communion with your triune nature and in community
with other believer's so that we "may be one, as [you] are one" (John 17:22).
Creator God, it is in your "Otherness" that your
relationship with the created order invites me to worship you as Lord and
fellowship with you as Father, for your sovereignty is expressed and
experienced through relationship.
The same Spirit who hovered over the vastness of creation breathed
life into my being and testifies with my spirit that I am a child of the living
God (Romans 8:16).
The living Word who spoke all creation into being became flesh (John
1:14), bridging the gap between your “Otherness” and my brokenness.
Jesus you recreate, Spirit you renew, Father you restore me into
right relationship within the triune community of my Creator and Your creation.
Based on Four key themes from Genesis 1 (Rev David Wilkinson),
Lecture 8.1 - The Creator of all Things
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